Trust Companies
In 1987, article 1513a was repealed by the enactment of Chapter XI of the Texas Banking Code, and the Banking Department assumed complete responsibility for the chartering and examination of trust companies. In 1997, the 75th Legislature enacted the Texas Trust Company Act, a complete system of laws governing state trust companies. In 1999, the 76th Legislature enabled interstate mergers, branching, and fiduciary activities for financial institutions, including trust companies.
Trust Companies: Getting Started
Forms for Trust Companies
All available forms for Texas trust companies in Texas
Trust Company Call Report
Web-based reporting system (Password required) for Texas state-chartered trust companies to file the statement of condition and income.
Corporate Decision on Applications
Orders and other agency decisions issued by the Corporate Division for certain filings, including mergers, activities, conversions, and certain other filings.
Commissioner’s Examination Survey
The survey is designed to help target areas for improvement, as well as to identify what parts of the existing process are working well.
Inclement Weather or Emergency Closings
Overview and resources for handling a closure or emergency
Cybersecurity Incident Report
Requirements for a Cybersecurity Incident Report filed by a Texas Trust Company
Trust Company Examination Procedures
Examination tools used in the supervisory process of state-chartered trust companies.
- Trust Company Examination Procedures
- IT Examination Procedures
- Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Information
- FIL-26-2018 Customer Due Diligence and Beneficial Ownership Examination Procedures (FDIC)
Regulations Governing Trust Companies
The Law & Guidance Manual includes select statutes, rules, legal opinions, supervisory memorandums, and regulatory guidance applicable to Texas state-chartered trust companies.
Communication with the Department
Authorized Contact & Email System (ACES)
To add, change, & review contact information for your trust company. Password required. To get set up for ACES, send an email.
ZIX Secure Message Center
To send/retrieve secure messages to/from the Department of Banking. First time users should revie the Zix Instructions before beginning.
File a Complaint
How to file a complaint against a Texas trust company.
Boards of directors or executives of trust companies can file a request for reconsideration of examination finding (REF).