Laws & Regulations


Photo of Legal Scales

The Law & Guidance Manual includes select chapters from the Texas Constitution, Finance Code, and the Health and Safety Code, as well as Title 7 of the Texas Administrative Code. Department issued legal opinions, supervisory memorandums, and regulatory guidance applicable to our regulated entities are also included in the Law & Guidance Manual, which is updated quarterly. The Department’s rules, which are compiled in Title 7 of the Texas Administrative Code, are adopted by the Texas Finance Commission as provided by Section 31.003 of the Finance Code. Proposed rule changes are made available for review and comment on this page.

Certain Texas statutes empower the banking commissioner to issue certain cease and desist orders; removal and/or prohibition orders; and enforcement orders. Orders issued by the commissioner are available under the Enforcement Actions section.

Law & Guidance Manual

Rule Changes

Legal Opinions and Interpretive Statements

Department Issued Guidance

Regulatory Guidance and Supervisory Memorandums communicate the Department’s position on regulation and regulatory issues.

Recent Policy and Guidance Actions

Regulatory Guidance - Guidance related to the implementation of specific laws

Supervisory Memorandums - Guidances relating to Departmental policies

Enforcement Actions

Administrative Hearings