Recent Policy and Guidance Actions

The table below reflects recent actions related to Department of Banking regulatory issuances. The Law & Guidance Manual contains these and all other Supervisory Memorandums and Regulatory Guidance.

Type Subject Matter Applicable Entities Date Issued
Supervisory Memorandum 1015 Money Services Businesses Outsourcing of Compliance Functions 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1021 Texas Finance Code Chapter 152 License Holders Consumer Awareness About Fraud Induced Wire Transfers 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1024 Money Services Businesses Licensees Accepting Money Services Businesses (MSBs) Reports of Examination (ROEs) of Other State Agencies 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1035 Foreign Money Transmitters Licensing of Foreign-Located Money Transmitters Under Texas Finance Code Chapter 152 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1036 Money Services Business License Holders Background Check Self-Certification for Money Services Businesses Chapter 152 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1038 Money Services Business License Holders Appointment of an Authorized Delegate to Conduct Money Transmission on Behalf of a License Holder 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1040 Money Services Business License Holders Recommended File Documentation for Money Services Business License Holders that Conduct Business through Authorized Delegates, Foreign Agents and Counterparties, and Gateway Agents 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1041 Money Services Business License Holders Examination Policy for Domestic MSBs That Conduct Business from a Non-traditional Office Location 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1042 All Institutions Regulated by the Texas Department of Banking Effect of Criminal Convictions on Licensing 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1043 All State-Chartered Banks and Trust Companies and All Money Services Business Licensees Permissible Uses of “Bank” and Related Terms in Marketing and Other Limits Related to Marketing Regulated Financial Services 7/17/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1003 Examination Frequency for State-Chartered Bank All State-Chartered Bank and All Bank and Trust Examining Personnel 4/11/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1004 Examination Frequency for Trust Companies All State-Chartered Trust Companies and All Bank and Trust Examining Personnel 4/11/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1020 Information Technology Examination Frequency and Ratings All State-Chartered Banks, Trust Companies, and Technology Service Providers and All Bank and Trust Examining Personnel 4/11/24
Supervisory Memorandum 1005 Policy on Enforcement Actions for State-Chartered Banks All State-Chartered Banks and All Bank and Trust Examining Personnel 10/25/2023
Supervisory Memorandum 1030 Policy on Enforcement Actions for Trust Companies All State-Chartered Trust Companies and All Bank And Trust Examining Personnel 10/25/2023
Supervisory Memorandum 1006 Request for Reconsideration of Examination Finding All Entities Regulated by the Texas Department of Banking 9/7/2023